Friday, May 27, 2011

Water Quality - Introduction

Water quality affects the environment, fish, other marine life, and humans in almost all places on the globe. There are many things that may cause water quality to become poor. For example, sedimentation, erosion, and decayed organisms are all natural occurrences that can affect a body of water. However it is also mainly affected by human causes, such as the pollution of chemical substances, run-off, and pesticide use. Almost half of the species that are on the endangered species list or that are threatened are water-dependent organisms. This shows that poor water quality has a drastic affect on almost all wildlife. It is not only the animals in the environment that are dependent on the quality of water, but human beings also need fresh water to survive. As the population is constantly rising all over the world,  it is becoming especially hard for some nations to provide their people with fresh drinking water, especially in highly populated and dense areas. Water quality is an important world issue and a national issue as well. It should be brought to the public’s attention and more should be done to provide high quality water.

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