Friday, May 27, 2011

Deforestation - Research Document

Deforestation Facts 
-    Forests cover 30% of land 
-    Forests the size of Panama are lost each year
-    At the current rate the worlds forest could be gone in a hundred years
-    Cut down for money 
-    Not all is intentional 
-    Wild fires and over grazing 
-    Loss of habitat for species 
-    70% of animals and species that live on land live in forests 
-    Climate change- loss of trees cause soil to dry out 
-    Trees help absorb greenhouse gases 
-    Solution- stop cutting down trees 
-    Trees filter carbon dioxide, act as shelters 
-    Causes
-    economic benefits 
-    Urban purposes
-    lumber used for material, furniture and paper products  
-    To grow crops
-    Grazing land for cattle
-    Fuel- firewood or charcoal 
-    Effects- erosion, disrupts of water cycle, loss of biodiversity, flooding and drought, climate change 
-    Erosion- exposing soil to sun (drying it out), when rain comes nutrients wash away, replanting impossible in the dried out soil
-    Disruption of water cycle- trees pull up water with roots and reemits into atmosphere 
-    Loss of biodiversity- 50 to 100 species lost each day
-    Flood and drought- trees absorb and store large amounts of water in rain, without trees floods followed by droughts 
-    Climate change- trees absorb carbon dioxide, when cut down that carbon is released into the air as carbon dioxide     

Deforestation Facts, Deforestation Information, Effects of Deforestation - National Geographic. (n.d.). Environment Facts, Environment Science, Global Warming, Natural Disasters, Ecosystems, Green Living - National Geographic. Retrieved May 13, 2011, from 

Putatunda, R. (n.d.). Causes and Effects of Deforestation. Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Retrieved May 13, 2011, from of-deforestation.html

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